2022 Sorry For The Damage, Asya Geisberg Gallery, NYC, US
2021 Edities online only, Gerhard Hofland Gallery, Amsterdam
2020 No Ruins No Ghosts, Gerhard Hofland Gallery, Amsterdam
2019 Other parts of the scene, Ottozoo Gallery, Milaan
2018 Three Stones Make a Wall, Torrance Art Museum, LA, US
2017 How Things Act, Asya Geisberg gallery, New York, US
2017 42×60 #19, Paris, FR
2017 Bricks, Bones, Cuts & Stones, Gallery Houg, Paris (FR)
2016 Is That All There is…, De Nederlandsche Bank (with Wafae Ahalouch)
2016 De beuk erin, Mondriaanhuis, Amersfoort, NL
2015 Pots are not people, Asya geisberg Gallery, NY (US)
2014 Sundaymorning@EKWC, Final presentation, ‘s-Hertogenbosch NL
2014 Pulse, Pulse PRIZE winner, NY
2014 Evidence of their existence, gallery Otto Zoo, Milan, (IT)
2013 IMPULSE New York, Gallerie Otto Zoo, Milaan (US)
2013 Re;Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2013 Sundaymorning@EKWC, Final presentation, ‘s-Hertogenbosch NL
2012 De Aanschouw, Rotterdam, NL
2012 Re;Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2012 Aphia Ziekenhuis, Breda, NL
2011 Otto Zoo, Milaan, IT, ‘Abstract Gardening’ (publication)
2011 Spinnerei, Leipzig, DE, ‘May Rundgang’
2007 Galerie Gist, Amsterdam, NL, ‘This land is your land’
2006 Noord Brabants museum, Den Bosch, NL
2006 Galerie Willy Schoots, Eindhoven, NL, ‘No ordinary land’ (exh. cat.)
2006 Livingstone Gallery, De Haag, NL, Uncommon ground (exh. cat.)