Marjolijn de Wit
“Sorry for the Damage”
October 27 – December 17, 2022
Opening Reception: Thursday, October 27, 6 – 8PM
The artist will be present.
Geisberg Gallery is pleased to present “Sorry for the Damage” by Marjolijn de Wit, an exhibition of oil paintings by the Netherlands-based artist. Exuberant and lush, the paintings are in a relatively small scale for the artist, whose oeuvre includes larger canvases and floor installations, as well as collage based works that are inspired by or incorporate ceramic pieces. In her third solo exhibition, De Wit hones in on the startling disconnect between the advertising and the editorial content of National Geographic magazines from the 1970’s and 80’s. Seen from the vantage point of our time, the articles and imagery that promote the wonders and diversity of the earth are negated by a lifestyle bent on our planet’s ruination. Extraction of gems, minerals, or fossil fuels, luxury underpinned by unseen carbon footprints; food delivered from every corner in every season at an environmental cost; these issues have grown more prominent today. Nonetheless, her paintings are not meant to hector. De Wit throws together isolated symbols seamlessly as she adamantly luxuriates in her medium. Her jewel-like paintings flutter their painterly eyelashes at us, coyly cooing into our psyches. Schematic compositions resist clear readings, as each opaque yet aesthetically jarring composition provokes the viewer to parse De Wit’s connections.